Have you or someone you know experienced bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vaginal inflammation caused by the overgrowth of bacteria naturally found in the vagina, which upsets the natural balance.
According to experts bacterial vaginosis results from overgrowth of one of several bacteria naturally found in your vagina. Usually, "good" bacteria outnumber "bad" bacteria But if there are too many bad bacteria, they upset the natural balance of microorganisms in your vagina and cause bacterial vaginosis.
You may even have it and don't know it as many women have no signs or symptoms -which some of them include vaginal itching, gray, white or green vaginal discharge, "fishy" vaginal odor and burning during urination.
But before you go spending money in treatments, you can try this fantastic home remedy. All you'll be needing is Hydrogen peroxide and that's it! All you have to do is follow simple instructions and you can tell your bacterial vaginosis goodbye!
Why it works? Hydrogen peroxide is believed to be a natural disinfectant. This can destroy the infection-causing bacteria found in the vagina.
Doctors have stated that Hydrogen peroxide is worth considering for women who have recurrent bacterial vaginosis issues. So, Hydrogen peroxide is a good alternative if you feel you need to wash between your legs recurrently; this is simply a combination of hydrogen peroxide and water.
The lactobacilli (good bacteria) are a natural producer of hydrogen peroxide, so it helps to nix the bad bacteria while allowing the lactobacilli to remain.
Hydrogen peroxide comes in many strengths, but the type you find at your local drugstore is usually a 3 percent concentration. This type of hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic solution often used to disinfect wounds. During a process called oxidation, hydrogen peroxide breaks down the cell walls of bacteria.
Remember, if you think you have BV, make an appointment so you can get a diagnosed.
Mix equal amounts of water and hydrogen peroxide and spray the mixture in your
Alternatively, you can also soak a tampon in the mixture and place it in your vagina
for 30 minutes
Mix equal amounts of water and hydrogen peroxide and spray the mixture in your
Alternatively, you can also soak a tampon in the mixture and place it in your vagina
for 30 minutes