Did you know that you don't need to spend a lot of money to have a white and bright smile? That's right, you can obtain a whiter grin in a more natural, cheaper way. Ditch your dentist and that expensive whitening treatment and go for a more natural approach. You'll be amazed with the results!
We tend to forget that most of the time we have the solution right in front of us at home. You should always consider a natural, drug-free option first. So, for this home remedy all you'll be needing is a few fruit peels.
Why it works? The compound d-limonene and citric acid, which is found in citrus fruit peels will help to whiten your teeth. Though there's little evidence when it comes to fruit peels whitening, it can’t be hurt to try, right?
For this home whitening method you could choose between, lemon peels, orange peels and banana peels.
Gently rub the fruit peels, the insides (white part) on your teeth for about 2 minutes to rid yourself of stains. Make sure to thoroughly rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth afterward.
The albedo or white part of the orange peel contains vitamin C, pectin, limonene, glucarate and soluble fiber. Many of these compounds act as natural teeth whiteners. Limonene contains natural solvent cleaners and is used commercially in many teeth whitening products. Lemon peels are also said to have similar effects as orange peels.
Despite numerous claims by bloggers and vloggers there’s actually no clinical evidence that fruit peels does any good for your teeth. But it is so easy to try, that you think; why the heck not? All you need to do is pop a banana, lemon or orange skin on the surface of your teeth and voila.
Now, some others say that because of the acid in fruits, this could erode and wear away your enamel. So, if you notice that your teeth are becoming more sensitive, stop using this method.
Rub lemon, orange and banana peels on your teeth which will make teeth whiter.
Rub these fruit peels on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth afterward.
Rub lemon, orange and banana peels on your teeth which will make teeth whiter.
Rub these fruit peels on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth afterward.